Google Data City_View from Shard

Google Data City_Google CEO_Surveying Empire

Google Data City_Central Circulation Canyon

Google Data City_View from Greenwich_Perpetual Hot Water Cloud

Google Data City_Sub-tropical Weather System from North

Data Canyon_Water Cooling Facade

Base of Data Canyon_ A view directly upwards from the hot water canal demonstrating the hot water expulsion from the data servers

Data Canyon_ Vertically stacked server aisles use refrigerated water to cool servers and hot water is expelled into hot water canals at base

Data Canyon Elevation_Periphery of city where concrete plinths descend into River Thames

Typical Server Plan_ 6x 8m bays accommodating servers, servicing and circulation

Google Data City_Plan [South West Corner]_Prevailing winds inform orientation of city and dissipate heat along Data Canyons

Google Data City_Site Plan

BBC News Article_Google Data City

Tallest Buildings_ Data City

Data City_Relation to River

Data City_Massing and Density

Data City_Articulated Form_East side of City from Thames illustrating breakdown of 'Data Canyons'

Thirst for Data_Yottabyte Pyramid_1000m high monolith city stores 1 Yottabyte of data

Isle of Dogs_Consumed by Data_1 Yottabyte of Data Storage

Isle of Dogs_Data Stacking_Exploring data density with vertically stacked aisles

Isle of Dogs_The Great Pyramids_Emphasis of Scale

Data City_Site Location_Isle of Dogs, London

Water Cooling_Centrifugal Pumps_Water pumping for server cooling from River Thames

Data Centre_Server Cooling_Articulation of exposed water cooling pipes with heat sinks [Water has high heat conductivity]

Data Centre_ Servers_Dimensions

Data Centre_ Heat Dissipation Facade_Vertically stacked server aisles optimising heat dissipation

Server Farm_Heat dissipated from server racks for cooling

Server Farm_Data Storage_Heat Sinks used to dissipate large amounts of heat generated

Server Farm_Data Storage_ Vertically Stacked Aisles Maximising Cooling

Digital Infrastructure Corridor_Data through the City

Digital Infrastructure Corridor_Re-evaluating Data Transmission

Infrastructure Vein_ Organisation and Celebration of Servicing

Infrastructure Vein_Plan

Infrastructure Vein_City's Servicing Organised and Celebrated

Radiant City_Business Tower_Isolated Infrastructure and Services

Radiant City_Business Tower_Isolated Infrastructure and Servicing

Radiant City_Business District Infrastructure Routes

Radiant City_Infrastructure Routes

Portfolio: A_Digital_Infrastructure_Title Page